We are a community following Jesus together, participating in and pursuing the mission of God. We seek to reach up to God, reach in to our community family and reach out to the world.
Study Resources
The below list of resources are what I have found to be some of the most helpful teaching on the relevant topic. I hope you might find some value in them also as you study these topics.
Jonathan Leijen
Instruments in Worship
Rick Atchley - Both and Church
Randy Gill - A guitar player's life in the COC
Use of Women's Gifts in Worship
Not Off Limits - Ch 4 Can Women Lead The Christian Assembly by Ross Cochran
Rubel Shelly - Neither Male nor Female
Churches of Christ - Heritage and Future
Books (email jleijen@yahoo.com to borrow one to read)
The Crux of The Matter: Crisis, Tradition, and the future of Churches of Christ by J Childers and Doug Foster
A Church That Flies: A New Call To Restoration in the Churches of Christ by Tim Woodroof
The Second Incarnation: A Theology for the 21st Century Church by R Shelly and R Harris
Renewing God's People: A Concise History of Churches of Christ by Garry Holloway.
Bible Study Methods and Interpretation
John Mark Hicks - Searching for the Pattern
John Mark Hicks - Command, Example, and Necessary Inference
John Mark Hicks - Contrasting Two Pattern
John Mark Hicks - Reading the Bible Like Jesus
Rubel Shelly - Basics of Biblical Interpretation