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Sisterhood - For women 18+



It’s living in genuine friendship, it’s about having intentional and meaningful relationships, having each other's back when things aren’t going so good and celebrating life with one another through every stage. Being generous with our love, loyal to God first then to one another, showing a deep respect in all situations, offering forgiveness when we fall short, living with compassionate hearts and valuing each other as women God has uniquely designed.


It’s Growing with and challenging one another with gentle and humble spirits in becoming more like Jesus.


The Sisterhood is learning how to live in beautiful community with God and one another as sisters and daughters of the King.


Living in community with each other through:


  • Sunday 9:00am Sisterhood catch-up.

    Going deeper with each other and God through testimonies, reflection, meditation, group discussions, small group activities etc.


If you would like to know more about the Sisterhood at Holland Park Church of Christ please contact Jenny on 3207 2793 or email


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